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Why Good Communicators Should Start Marketing Agencies

By Umbrella Staff on Jul 24, 2024

To become a successful marketer, you just need to communicate well. Marketing is fundamentally about communication because the essence of marketing is to convey messages that inform, persuade, and remind consumers about products, services, or brands. Excellent communicators like yourself often want to take their skills and talents to the next level by beginning their […]

livestream shopping event

9 Tips to Hosting a Successful, Money-Making Livestream Shopping Event

By Umbrella Staff on Jul 19, 2024

Social media ecommerce has revolutionized how people buy, and one of the most exciting additions is a livestream shopping event. Livestream shopping events are booming, and they are a powerful new way for your marketing agency’s clients to reach their customers and close sales through human interaction. People can ask questions, see demos, and feel […]

2024 holiday marketing planning

10 Reasons to Start Your Clients’ 2024 Holiday Marketing Planning Now  

By Deborah Kurfiss, Umbrella Communications & Content Director on Jul 11, 2024

The 4th of July has come and gone. If you have not yet begun your marketing agency clients’ 2024 holiday marketing planning, you may want to get going. After all, holiday sales can generate a critical amount of revenue for many businesses. Read on to find out why starting early enables you to help your […]

thought leadership

How to Build Your Marketing Agency Brand Through Thought Leadership

By Deborah Kurfiss, Umbrella Communications & Content Director on Jun 28, 2024

When you’re running a marketing agency, you need to set yourself apart and develop a strong brand presence. Building thought leadership is one of the most effective ways to do that. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how as a marketing agency owner, you can build your brand through thought leadership content, enabling you to increase […]

MQLs Marketing Qualified Leads

A Guide to Identifying and Nurturing MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads) for Marketing Agencies

By Umbrella Staff on Jun 21, 2024

Leads are the lifeblood of any marketing agency or any business for that matter. It’s critical to target leads that are the most likely to convert and get them ready for the next part of the sales funnel. That’s why today we’d like to talk about Marketing Qualified Leads, often referred to as MQLs. What […]

Facebook location targeting

Facebook Location Targeting: Choosing the Right Location and Radius for Facebook Ads

By Umbrella Staff on Jun 14, 2024

If you have small business clients, you already know that Facebook can be an effective and economical way for your clients to reach their ideal audiences. Facebook is renowned for enabling businesses to finely target their audiences by demographics and interests. You can also use Facebook location targeting, but it takes a little tweaking to […]

micro-moment marketing

Capturing Consumer Attention with Micro-Moments: Real-Time Marketing Tips

By Umbrella Staff on Jun 7, 2024

The widespread adoption of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has created new opportunities in the form of micro-moment marketing. Micro-moment marketing is all about connecting with consumers in real-time at critical points in their customer journey. Keep in mind that 91% of smartphone users look up information while in the middle of a […]

best channels for interactive content

The Best Channels for Interactive Content Such as Quizzes and Polls

By Umbrella Staff on May 31, 2024

Recently, we published an article discussing the importance of engaging customers using interactive content such as quizzes and polls. Quizzes and polls can engage users, gather valuable insights, and foster deeper connections with your marketing agency’s clients’ audiences. For marketing agencies, leveraging these tools effectively across various channels can significantly enhance their clients’ reach and […]

interactive content

Developing Interactive Content: Best Practices for Quizzes and Polls

By Umbrella Staff on May 28, 2024

If interactive content is not a major marketing focus for your agency, you may want to include it in your offerings now. Providing your clients with interactive content such as quizzes and polls can help to set your agency apart. You can use quizzes and polls in various channels such as on a client’s website […]

case study, success story

How to Write an Effective Case Study

By Deborah Kurfiss, Umbrella Communications & Content Director on May 24, 2024

It’s a marketing maxim, “Show them, don’t just tell them.” Solid case studies (also called success stories) offer your audience vivid evidence of the superiority of a product or service. They explain in detail how your service (or your client’s product or service) helped a specific client achieve success and include accolades from that client. […]

Data Analytics

How Data Analytics Enables Marketers to Understand Customer Behavior

By Umbrella Staff on May 10, 2024

Recently, we discussed 10 Effective Strategies for Ethically Collecting Customer Data and Building Trust. Today we want to discuss the related topic of the ways we can use data analytics to understand customer behavior. Analyzing and understanding customer behavior is the foundation of business today. Once upon a time, marketers made decisions and spent marketing […]

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