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Promote Your Client’s Business with a Record-Breaking 150M Emails. Target Over 700 Parameters!

    Resell email marketing

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    Resell email marketing

    Send Targeted Emails Whenever You Want to 150M People

    With Umbrella’s white label email marketing service, you can help your clients send emails to 150M people using over 700 customer targeting parameters. For instance, if your client’s business deals with a car dealership, enable your client to target all those car owners who have specific car models of a particular year and reside in a specific radius surrounding your car dealership office.

    Resell email marketing

    Effective and Trusted Way of Marketing

    Email marketing offers a practical and trusted way of digital marketing for your clients because:

    • Over 50% of Americans check their email accounts more than ten times per day.
    • It is a preferable way of getting the latest updates from different brands.
    • Nearly 59% of digital marketers consider email marketing to be their primary source of generating ROI.
    • Businesses that use segmented email campaigns notice an increase in their revenue up to 70%.
    Resell email marketing

    700 Parameters for Targeting

    We maintain one of the most updated, largest and most segmented lists of consumer opt-ins in the country. We offer more than 700  options for segmented targeting of your customers. These parameters enable you to target by:

    • Family size
    • Parents’ ages
    • Location
    • Children’s ages
    • Households with elderly members
    • Various medical conditions
    • Fitness interests
    • Cars segmented by year, type and model
    • Foodies
    • Health buffs
    • Religion
    • Ethnicity
    • Occupation
    • Homeowners
    • Many more
    Resell email marketing

    We Produce Your Clients' Email Marketing Campaigns from A to Z

    When you choose to resell email marketing, our email marketing specialists can create impactful email and marketing copy for your clients. Plus, we create the segmented customer list, suggest the perfect promotion (our library has 100 plus case studies, which we can share with your client), deliver and report to your client. Get in touch with us now to plan an email marketing campaign for your client!

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    Howard Pearl

    Howard Pearl

    I was floundering with my Internet marketing programs. There are many scams and undelivered promises out there. When I found Umbrella, a light bulb went off in my head. The programs made sense, they were easy to follow, and the training and support showed me that they cared about my success. This is a full-throated recommendation if you want to change your life.


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    To become a successful marketer, you just need to communicate well. Marketing is fundamentally about communication because the essence of marketing is to convey messages that inform, persuade, and remind consumers about products, services, or brands. Excellent communicators like yourself often want to take their skills and talents to the next level by beginning their […]

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