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uVAAP Alexa & Google Assistant Apps for Business

Help your clients and their customers connect any time of the day or night through Umbrella’s white label voice apps for business.

    Smart Speakers Have Gone Mainstream

    Today, about 60% of US households own smart speakers. That doesn’t even count the voice apps on people’s phones.

    And that percentage is growing quickly each year across the U.S. and the world.

    People Are Increasingly Using Smart Speakers to Contact Businesses

    It’s only natural that people are increasingly reaching out to businesses through their smart speakers. 51% of voice search users say they like to use a smart device for researching products.

    For example, they use smart speakers like Alexa and Google Assistant to

    • Search for a particular product or service in their area
    • Call a store or service provider
    • Get answers powered by artificial intelligence to basic questions

    Watch the video

    Check Out a Typical Smart Speaker Conversation

    To get a better idea how this works, listen in to how one business uses uVAAP, Umbrella’s white label voice apps for business service.

    Your customers, of course, can come up with their own answers to the preset questions customers typically ask.

    Just click the arrow in the image to the right.

    Amazon's Alexa and Google Assistant Lead the Smart Voice Market

    Alexa is by far the most popular smart voice app followed by Google Assistant.

    • Among non-Chinese brands, Alexa has over 61% of the smart speaker market.
    • Google follows at 24%.
    • Apple’s (Siri) share is less than 5%.

    We Give You What You Need to Better Connect Your Clients with Their Customers

    Umbrella’s white label voice apps for business can provide you with customized apps that work with Alexa and Google Assistant for each of your clients.

    • Your client can provide their own answers to the set questions customers can ask. We provide you with several examples.
    • We provide training on selling the apps.
    • Expect an attractive ROI.
    • All the work of making the app is done for you.
    • Any business can afford them; every business will want them.
    • Like business listings, this product fits any business.

    Frequently Asked Question


    Howard Pearl

    Howard Pearl

    I was floundering with my Internet marketing programs. There are many scams and undelivered promises out there. When I found Umbrella, a light bulb went off in my head. The programs made sense, they were easy to follow, and the training and support showed me that they cared about my success. This is a full-throated recommendation if you want to change your life.


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