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Grow Your Marketing Business when Umbrella Provides DFY Leads and Appointments

Growing your marketing business is much easier when we get you clients.

Quality Appointments

To help you win clients, we help you to create rapport, build trust and nurture relationships. It all starts with quality leads and appointments. Here’s a nutshell of that service:

  • You will have a 40 minute (or longer) discovery call with a decision-maker
  • You will speak with prospects who are already interested. If you are open and earnest, you can create rapport.
  • Our team will already have positioned you as an expert before you get on the call. 
  • The call script has built-in “traps” to help you with creating rapport and making sales.
  • You will provide REAL VALUE to each prospect in order to create trust and rapport. (We deliver that value for you.)
  • We ensure the process is as hassle-free for you as possible.
  • Bottom line: You focus on consulting. Umbrella does everything else.



Lead info + Discovery and Competition Report

In addition to generating quality appointments for you, we will also send you Robust Discovery Reports to help you manage smart conversations, position yourself as an expert and provide more value.

Quality Appointments

  • Quality Lead Info
  • 40 minute or more meeting
  • Full client discovery call
  • Exclusive & fresh
  • Expert positioning
  • Value add DFY

Demand Generation Report


What if you get a lead, but you can’t take it?

The power of the NETWORK to the rescue! If you can’t take a lead, no worries. It will pass to another member via our lead system, and we’ll send you new ones.

This way, you don’t pay for leads with which you cannot engage.


How does appointment-setting work?

  • You will be connected to our prospecting system and will be given a tracking phone number.
  • You will be sent text and email notifications (leads) of potential customers who want to meet with you, We will provide all their contact details.
  • You will follow up to book a time with them for a call.
  • If the lead is bad, that is,  if the prospect does not reply or does not show up to the call, we will replace the lead.

Scaling Leads and Appointments= Scaling Sales

Do you want to scale your business? We have your back! We’ll get your more leads and appointments so you can close 3, 5, 10 and more every week!


Dedicated Appointment Setters


At some point, once you reach a certain volume, or the specific requirements of your sales funnel demand it, you will benefit from using a Dedicated Appointment Setter.

Using a Dedicated Appointment Setter gives you more control over the opening, qualifying, and closing stages of your sales. You will also enjoy a lower cost per lead.

Umbrella provides marketing agencies with highly trained  Dedicated Appointment Setters who are focused on marketing services.

Contact us today to learn what is your best solution for getting more clients.

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