Just like every business wants to make more money, every business wants to reduce costs. It’s no surprise that a recent Gartner survey showed that there is a significant rise in the number of CFOs planning cost cuts due to inflation.
But cost cuts need not be painful!
Through uSponsor, you can save your clients tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars while they maintain the same quality of service.
You get a recurring passive income stream of the total cost reductions. For some types of savings, it is even more!
General bill negotiation
Commercial bill negotiation
Printers, scanners and copiers
All you need to do is get clients interested. We provide you with the social proof and case studies to show your clients.
Our team of cost reduction experts will close for you and do the entire cost analysis for your clients for FREE. You get a recurrent stream of income even though the work is DFY.
If you are already planning to refer clients to the UmbrellaCare group health benefits program all of those same companies should be interested in reducing business costs through uSponsor.
Our expert cost reduction team does the work.
Don’t wait to start earning thousands of dollars every month!
If you want to help your clients reduce business costs and set up a passive income stream for yourself at the same time, contact Umbrella through our website or call us at (866) 760-2638 right now.
With Umbrella’s cost reduction experts behind you, you can build your own business cost reduction consultancy. You don’t have to have a background in this area. Umbrella’s experts do it all from closing the sale, to analysis to negotiating better prices. You make the connection and collect an ongoing percentage of the cost savings.
There isn’t a business in the world that doesn’t want to reduce their costs. You can start with your current clients. Then, if you are making referrals to UmbrellaCare, those businesses are also great prospects for cost reduction services.