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Ensure ADA Compliance to Make Your Clients' Websites Accessible to Handicapped Users

    Help Your Clients Make Their Websites ADA (WCAG) Compliant and Accessible to 50 million Americans with Disabilities. Umbrella's White Label Website Accessibility Solutions Can Enable You to Start Immediately.

    Conversational business texting

    Guaranteed full ADA compliance certificate with year-round protection

    Conversational business texting

    Single quick step. You only need to place one line of code and leave the rest to us.

    Conversational business texting

    Make your clients’ websites disability-friendly and open to everyone.

    Conversational business texting

    Give your client protection from potential lawsuits.

    Conversational business texting
    White label website accessibility solutions

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    Almost 20% of Online US Users Have a Disability

    According to the US Census Bureau report, 51 million Americans age 15 years and overĀ  have some disability:

    • Almost 19.9 million experience difficulty in grasping or lifting, which impacts their keyboard or mouse usage.
    • 1 million people have some sort of visual impairment. Some must rely on screen readers or magnifiers, and others suffer from color blindness.
    • 6 million people are hearing impaired. They usually use captions and or transcripts for video and audio media.

    By making your clients’ digital content more accessible, you can help them reach more customers, improve customer satisfaction and gain a competitive edge over businesses that don’t integrate disability accessibility features. These are great reasons to resell website accessibility services.

    White label website accessibility services

    Get a Compliance Warranty Worth $1M

    At Umbrella, we offer several accessibility tiers from a simple single line widget that increases website accessibility to a complete site audit followed by improving online accessibility and making the website completely compliant. If your client gets sued due to their website’s lack of accessibility, we provide you a $1 million warranty.

    White label website accessibility services

    Text Reader Feature

    The text reader feature is a built-in feature that only reads the textual content within the document. This tool addresses users who have difficulties reading different textual content and those who have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). By integrating a text reader, the user can easily control the reading flow with a keyboard or mouse. Furthermore, the user gains complete control over the rate of reading and the reader widget’s sound pitch.

    White label website accessibility services

    Navigation with Keyboard

    Users who have motor impairments experience difficulty with mouse use, while visually impaired or blind users regularly use keyboard navigation. The navigation function of the keyboard meets the standard WCAG 2.0 requirements. It provides the users with complete accessibility allowing them to navigate the pages with only the use of a keyboard.

    White label website accessibility services

    Blinks Blocking

    This tool is for those disabled users who have a susceptibility to seizures resulting from flashing effects, flickering or strobing. For users with learning disabilities, it eliminates any news-tickers, galleries, graphics, auto-plays and other forms of animation that might cause distraction or trigger a photo-epileptic seizure.

    White label website accessibility services

    Monochrome, Bright High-Contrast, Dark High-Contrast

    This tool gives three contrast display choices, thus adhering to the guidelines of WCAG 2.0. This enables changing the background and text colors, so users with visual impairment can easily read content.

    White label website accessibility services

    Image Descriptions

    Graphics and images make it easy to understand the surrounding text. According to WCAG 2.0 guidelines, all non-textual content must have alternative text that explains the graphic or image itself. This tool for image description follows WCAG Success Guidelines section 1.4.5. It ensures the prominent display of image information and clarifies the image’s intended meaning to users. It also includes functionality that improves low vision users’ usability such as a large black cursor, a sizeable white cursor, header highlighters and links.

    White label website accessibility services

    Value-Added Functions of the Accessibility Toolbar

    Other functions it offers include an increase or decrease in font size and font readability. This package gives your clients’ users with visual impairments an option to reduce or increase the size of text or choose a simple, basic, and easily readable font without functionality or readability loss.

    White label website accessibility services

    "Triple A" WCAG 2.0 Level Solution

    This is a complete accessibility tool suite packaged in a single, easy-to-install and use widget. It meets the specific “Triple A” level conformance guidelines.




    Howard Pearl

    Howard Pearl

    I was floundering with my Internet marketing programs. There are many scams and undelivered promises out there. When I found Umbrella, a light bulb went off in my head. The programs made sense, they were easy to follow, and the training and support showed me that they cared about my success. This is a full-throated recommendation if you want to change your life.


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    To become a successful marketer, you just need to communicate well. Marketing is fundamentally about communication because the essence of marketing is to convey messages that inform, persuade, and remind consumers about products, services, or brands. Excellent communicators like yourself often want to take their skills and talents to the next level by beginning their […]

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